The Haitian Network

​Our Haitian Partners
We firmly believe that it takes Haitian solutions to resolve Haiti’s problems, therefore our goal is to support Haitian community organizations that are taking responsibility for the children in their neighborhoods and are developing effective strategies to deal with the complexities of Haiti’s crisis in education.
HEI partners with two Haitian foundations: Foyer d'Initiatives pour l'education en Haiti (FIEH) led by Peterson Jean-Pierre and his assistant, Eddysson Pierre, and Fondation Jean Bellande Joseph (FJBJ), established by Claude Saint Hilaire, Paul Brunet Joseph, and other members of the Joseph family. Between them, they care for over 200 children aged 3 to 18 years distributed among 51 schools in the greater Jacmel area.

FIEH hopes to soon be able to operate an after-school tutoring and mentoring program as well as a summer camp from a wonderful facility in downtown Jacmel. They also run programs in cholera prevention and basic hygiene.
FJBJ offers a popular program with supplemental instruction in Haitian arts, crafts, tailoring and computer literacy and provides a full cooked meal for each student each week. This is often the only hot meal a child will receive. They also run a well-regarded summer camp program.
Both partners provide scholarships for school tuition and work diligently to support each child to achieve their academic goals.